Saturday, October 16, 2010

be kind rewind

there sweded movies had ghostbusters which they used a old dress fishing line aluminum and walkie talkie also vacuum cleaners a green light plactic bag and slime marshmallows
foam tinsel.
rush hour 2:
led torch ash tray roof top wigs pole sticks play ground soft mats.
lion king 2: giant mat foam animal cut outs blankets.
Ro bo cop: rubbish suit hair dryer helmets water gun.
Driving miss daisy: car old dress hat drivers suit.
Boyz in the hood: wigs house ally jeans fanel shirts.
When We Were Kings: boxing ring boxing shorts boxing gloves.
2001: A Space Odyssey
Astronaut outfit
Smoke Machine

King Kong
Gorilla costume
Cardboard boxes.

Little cars.

Men In Black

post-production blog

in my group with tom Stevens Riley Websdale deen Allen and Damien Bell me and tom choose to do a scene from pineapple express were red that is Riley tied up and being interrogated by mathason and his partner. for my bit i shoot red and i didn't have time to have a costume but i used my deeper voice because my character is black.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Compare The Text

What are the similarities between the two films? Include characters, plot, costume, setting and themes?
The similarities other of the film are the they are both set in a high school what part the characters play and what they eat.

What are the differences between the two films? Include characters, plot, costume, setting and themes?
The differences are the clothes the time it was set in different sub area's and some of the problems in each film face.



Write a sentence about each of the five student characters. Brian, Claire, Allison, Andrew & John.
Brian: the smart one is afraid if he gets bad marks on any of his work his parents his hate him and might kill him self because of the gun in his locker. Claire:is the rich fancy girl who is a virgen but would not admit it till the others got it out of her by lying about what they have done and likes John. Allision: is the weird one who really creeped out the rest of the group by not talking what she put on her sandwich but when claire gave her a makeover when Andrew saw her he was surprised. John is the bad boy that claire likes but his actions are motivated by his father beating him and getting lots of detention time after his agreement with the teacher who tried to start a fight with him in the storage room.

How do the students feel about each other at the start of the film? How and why does this change?
At the start only andrew and claire knew each other but though time in detention they talking about their life's and the problems they had and grew a tight friendship but couldn't been seen by other because of their school status so they made the breakfast club.

What is the plot of The Breakfast Club?
Though out the whole movie they were in the high school in the library and right at the start and end andrew was at the football field but the main time was in the library were Andrew Claire Brian and John were all in Detention on Saturday for 8 hours not knowing that they would become great friends by smoking pot telling the secrets and having fun and making the breakfast club after their 8 hour ordeal with john climbing around it the vents john and andrew fights and making up allision make over and people telling the truth.

What are the costumes worn by the following characters: Brian, Claire, Allision, Andrew & John.
Brian: he was wearing neat tidy clothing every day though the school week Claire: she wearied rich fancy clothing and different types each day though week John; old clothes op shop old and dirty. Allision: big bulky clothing to cover her self up from the world and Andrew: her wears the school sport clothes because of him being on the wrestling team.

Where is the film set? Include all sub settings.
The film was mainly set at the high school in the library and also the air vents locker and other classrooms.

List and briefly describe the issues and themes raised during the film? How are they similar/different to other teen films you
have watched?
Some of the main issues are john's abuse from his father peer pressure and suicidal problems and have happened in other teen films.

Does this film appeal to you? Why or why not?
it does in a weird way but i don't know but i like the film.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This post is to be titled: CLUELESS
Answer the following questions:
What is the genre of teen films? What typically occurs in a teen film? Where are teen films usually set? List 5 teen films you have watched. the one's iv'ed watched are comedy drama's and are mostly high school and collage the one's iv'e seen american pie 1 van wilder 1 clueless american 2 american the wedding.

Describe the following characters: Cher, Dionne, Tai, Josh, Murray, Elton, Travis, Mal (Cher’s Dad), Mr Hall and Miss Geist.
cher is at some points a dumb blonde but is really smart after a while in the film dionne is cher best friend and is rich and fancy like cher d is a twin of her. tai was a lost country then cher toke her under her wing and made her into a mini cher but became more popular than her in time when cher wanted to be nice. josh is cher step brother he wants to be like his step dad but just wear normal clothing. murray is D's boy friend and a crake head but cool elton is the the guy cher wanted tai to be hooked up with rich guy kind of person. travis is the skateboard junkie that wear hamydowns and he likes tai. cher's dad is a hardcore lawyer working on a big case though the movie and love cher alot. mr hall is one of cher teacher who need love and hooked him up with miss geist. miss geist is also has no one to love so cher help her look better and hooked her up with mr hall.

Describe how the following characters: Cher, Dionne, Tai and Josh develop over the text.
cher though the film find out it not all about her and popularity and starts helping out clueless people D follows in cher footstep and also help out. tai over time becomes more like the old cher and lose their friendship though time but getts it back when tai stops being stuck up. though time whem josh is staying with cher he fdinds out that he loves cher.

Describe the costumes worn by the following characters Cher, Dionne, Tai, Josh and Murray.
cher's clothing is rich and tasteful dionne is the same but with her own style. tai was a country bogan then to cher's stats.
josh is just average clothing murray is pimped out because thats what he likes.

What is the plot of Clueless?
the cher is living her normal life rich and beautiful until she got a bad mark in class and fix's it but she liked helping and then comes tai a clueless girl at a new school and cher wants to help but she didn't that it would change her life by helping teachers
friends and the poor and falling for her unknown lover.

Where is the film set? Include all sub settings.
high school parties classroom sport class house's ect.

List and briefly describe the issues and themes raised during the film? How are they similar/different to other teen films you have watched?
love issue's friend issue's helping the poor and it is like other teens flim i have seen in the past their nearly all the same.

Does this film appeal to you? Why or why not?
no because i didn't like chick flicks.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Media introduction

Why have you picked Media as an elective?
my brother is doing year 12 media and really likes it and iv'e seen what you have to do and it look fun making films and watching them.
What would you like to achieve by the end of this Semester?
to pass and go to year 11 media.
What is Media?
it is the infomation all whats happening in this world like the oil spill on the news or famous's peolpe's death's ect.
List all the types of media do you consume?
tv magazines internet movies ipods dvd's ect.