Tuesday, August 3, 2010



Write a sentence about each of the five student characters. Brian, Claire, Allison, Andrew & John.
Brian: the smart one is afraid if he gets bad marks on any of his work his parents his hate him and might kill him self because of the gun in his locker. Claire:is the rich fancy girl who is a virgen but would not admit it till the others got it out of her by lying about what they have done and likes John. Allision: is the weird one who really creeped out the rest of the group by not talking what she put on her sandwich but when claire gave her a makeover when Andrew saw her he was surprised. John is the bad boy that claire likes but his actions are motivated by his father beating him and getting lots of detention time after his agreement with the teacher who tried to start a fight with him in the storage room.

How do the students feel about each other at the start of the film? How and why does this change?
At the start only andrew and claire knew each other but though time in detention they talking about their life's and the problems they had and grew a tight friendship but couldn't been seen by other because of their school status so they made the breakfast club.

What is the plot of The Breakfast Club?
Though out the whole movie they were in the high school in the library and right at the start and end andrew was at the football field but the main time was in the library were Andrew Claire Brian and John were all in Detention on Saturday for 8 hours not knowing that they would become great friends by smoking pot telling the secrets and having fun and making the breakfast club after their 8 hour ordeal with john climbing around it the vents john and andrew fights and making up allision make over and people telling the truth.

What are the costumes worn by the following characters: Brian, Claire, Allision, Andrew & John.
Brian: he was wearing neat tidy clothing every day though the school week Claire: she wearied rich fancy clothing and different types each day though week John; old clothes op shop old and dirty. Allision: big bulky clothing to cover her self up from the world and Andrew: her wears the school sport clothes because of him being on the wrestling team.

Where is the film set? Include all sub settings.
The film was mainly set at the high school in the library and also the air vents locker and other classrooms.

List and briefly describe the issues and themes raised during the film? How are they similar/different to other teen films you
have watched?
Some of the main issues are john's abuse from his father peer pressure and suicidal problems and have happened in other teen films.

Does this film appeal to you? Why or why not?
it does in a weird way but i don't know but i like the film.

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